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5 Easy Self Care Practices You Can Do Every Day

Every day is a good day to practice a little self care.

Self Care is about letting go of the uncontrollable factors that cause you uncertainty, anxiety and stress.  And it's about concentrating more inwardly on the things you can control, that support your overall wellbeing.

Self Care can mean different things to different people. 

...For some it can mean putting their mind and body health first.

...For others it can mean being more self reliant. 

...And for certain people, it can be simply about protecting their peace.

In simple terms, Self Care is about taking better care of yourself using the tools, knowledge and intuition that you have inside of you to support the best version of you.

Basic fundamental things like:

  • Eating right
  • Embracing nature
  • Living with intention
  • Nurturing wholesome relationships and;
  • Practicing kindness and gratitude.

A proper self care routine can not only protect your health and wellbeing, it can also make you a more effective person.

It gives you simple clarity about what to do and what to avoid.

And it can help you to minimise the distractions and interferences around you that aren't serving you.

Read on to reconnect with 5 simple daily self care practices that we recommend as foundational for supporting all round health and wellness.

Even if you're already well versed in your own self care, let these daily self care tips serve as reinforcement that you're on the right track. 

1. Drink a minimum of 2L of Water

Remember, water is a key source of life and it should be a daily self care non-negotiable.  The weight of the brain is approximately 2 litres of water that should be replaced every 24 hours.  For this reason alone, it's vital to replenish yourself with at least this amount of water every single day, to ensure healthy mind and body function. 

Avoid fluoridated tap water and choose the purest form of filtered or natural spring water you can find.  Start with 500ml-1 litre of water when you rise, sip water throughout the day and have a big glass of water before you go to bed.

2. Walk outside for 30-45 minutes

Movement and the outdoors are a double whammy when it comes to boosting your physical and emotional wellbeing.  When you walk outside, your senses are alert, you're taking in clean fresh air and you're forming a soothing connection with nature.

Schedule at least 30-45 minutes of walking outdoors every day, particularly in the early morning if you can when the air is cleanest and your mind is most alert.

Another simple tip for getting more steps in each day, is to park a little further away from the supermarket or office each time you visit.

Now, if you can only manage 10 minutes of walking then at least that's a starting point that you can build from.  Either way, your body and your mind will thank you for getting up and walking.

3. Eat Liquids First To “Break-your-Fast” 

When it comes to your self care, one of the most important things to keep in mind is what you eat FIRST.

Remember, the word breakfast means to break-your-fast, because your body is coming off a period of many hours without eating.

So, this is the time to support your digestive system to do its thing, not to burden it with a heavy meal.

The best way to do this is to follow the basic principle of "eat liquids first".  This means to start your day with foods that are super light on your digestive system such as fresh raw juices or smoothies, at least 4-5 days per week if every day is a stretch.

If you definitely need to eat something solid first thing in the morning, go with nature's detoxifier i.e. fresh fruits since they're very easy to digest.

Try to save more concentrated foods for mid morning or lunch time wherever possible and you'll be giving your digestive system the time and space it needs to reset and to perform it's living temple work.  

4. Practice 5 minutes of Gratitude

Gratitude cleanses the soul and clears the mind because it serves to remind you of all that is good in your life.  This is an important emotional wellbeing hack that very few people practice.

When there is constant pressure and stress associated with every day life, it is very easy to lose touch with the things we should be grateful for.  But when we reconnect with those things it enlightens us internally, helping us to navigate the ups and downs of life with more grace. 

Practicing gratitude doesn't need to be anything elaborate.  Simply find a quiet space, preferably outdoors and just sit and be still for a few minutes.  Remove all of the distractions, close down your eyes, clear your mind and just focus on 3 things in your life that you can be truly grateful for.  Give thanks to each, before moving on to the next item you're thankful for.

5. Set an intention 

Any accomplishment you achieve in your life is borne out of a clear intention.

Where focus goes energy flows.  So when you are clear on your tasks, projects or goals for the day, it helps you to channel your energy where it matters most.

Setting mini intentions each day, is one of the hardest things to do because there are so many distractions around us and at our fingertips that can easily derail us from what we set out to achieve.  Yet, it is also one of the most important self care practices there are, because it closely aligns us to our personal sense of fulfilment.

Again, this self care practice doesn't need to be elaborate nor does it mean you need to break any world records or create the next multi-national corporation to feel like you've achieved.

It's simply about being more productive, purposeful and making constant progress, no matter how small.  This is a valuable practice that adds to our overall self-worth and emotional wellbeing.

The Main Takeaway

Self Care is a fundamental practice that helps you to be the best versions of yourself more often, physically, mentally and emotionally.

In essence, it's a holistic approach to your health and wellness that strengthens your mind and body and makes you more self reliant.

Every day, you have the opportunity to practice a little self care to add value to your life.  It can meet anything from adding more whole foods to your diet, to drinking more water, getting out into the sun, spending time in nature, making time for your passions, or connecting with people who you care about and love.

The nice thing about self care is that ultimately you are in the driver's seat. It's not about anyone telling you what to do.  It's simply a more responsible, more rounded approach to your life and health where you're in control.

Start by following these 5 recommended daily practices, keep adding to your self care routine and you will discover the healthiest, happiest version of you.

Tolman Self Care.


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